During the lent of 1522 Huldrych Zwingli and other members of the Zürcher Ehrbarkeit met to eat sausages in the house of the printer Christoph Froschauer. This was considered a provocative act of violation against the command to abstinence. Zwingli himself did not participate, but nevertheless was present on the scene. The act of eating sausages was the beginning of the reformation of Switzerland. The freedom that they took to act against the order of the church was later considered as a symbolic demonstration of the protestant freedom. The council of Zurich defied this violation and Zwingli already took position on Maundy Thursday in his sermon «Vom Erkiesen und Fryheit der Spysen». He insisted on just acting after principles that were actually written in the Bible. Every Christian should be able to eat when and where and what he wanted.
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3- Copyright: wikimedia
e-rara , Reformierte Kirche Zürich , Historisches Lexikon Schweiz